Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well, let me start off by saying that I hate the damn patriots, and I (at least for the most part) hate anyone and everyone that likes the Pats or even has an affiliation with Boston. I have yet to meet a person from that damn city that I like. Apparently, everyone from that city is the toughest guy in the world and is dying to prove it... and as if that's not bad enough, they’re convinced that Boston is the best city in the world... IT'S NOT!

Now back on track... well, every season I make my "upset pick(s)" for the upcoming season. Basically, I make a bold and "ballsy" prediction as to what the end result of an NFL team or player will be. In the past, I have told these Nostradamus like predictions only to the likes of my friends and family, but now they will be publicly available to anyone who wishes to read them and place their bets accordingly. This year I have two upsets that will shock the hell out of you.

#1 - The New England Patriots will finish NO BETTER than 11-5 and will not win their division.

#2 - The Arizona Cardinals will win their division and will make the playoffs for the first time since 1997.

Now many of you are laughing hysterically right now... well settle down! I am rarely wrong about these predictions and don't intend on starting now. Let's talk facts... the Patriots have managed to scrape and manipulate their way to 3 out of the last 4 Super Bowls on nothing other than pure luck. They are a mediocre team that plays well together because they have good coaching. Well, that has come to an end! Romeo Crennel, their former defensive coordinator has left Massachusetts for the hapless Cleveland Browns, while Charlie Weiss has flown the coop for a head coaching job at Notre Dame. For the last several years, and through all of their Super Bowl success, they have had one thing if nothing else... consistency! Losing your offensive and defensive coordinators in the same off-season doesn't bode well for consistency. Not to mention the departure of Ted Washington, Tedy Bruschi, and Ty Law... is any of this devastating to you? To top it all off, my procrastination in posting this allowed me to see them in action last Thursday night. Can you say PATHETIC! They had a fair amount of trouble dealing with the disciplineLESS Raiders, a team that was 5-11 a year ago! They will not be a superior team this year, and if I get my wish, they will not even make the playoffs. Over the next two weeks they have to play the Super Bowl favorite (by many) Carolina Panthers, and then travel to Pittsburgh to face the team that god built!

Alright alright, I'll leave those pathetic Patriots alone for a second while I talk about my "new" home team, the Arizona Cardinals. When they secured Dennis Green as their head coach last year, I said "give him three years and he will make them competitive". Well, it's year two and he will send them to the playoffs, and possibly next year, after a few key acquisions to be named later, will send them to the promised land (deep into the playoffs). Dennis Green is a coaching genius and will go great things for the Cardinals much to the dismay of residents of Arizona. Notice that I said "residents of Arizona" and NOT "Cardinals fans" because there aren't any. For one thing, very few people that live here were actually born here, thus nullifying the term "home team", not to mention the frickin' mess that I fell witness to last year when the Suns went deep into the playoffs and all of a sudden tickets were selling like hot cakes. Tickets should be selling whether a team is winning or losing, not only when they win. It sickens me to hear anyone talk about a sports franchise only after they become a competitor, we have a name for that… bandwagon fans! I will stop here and save my anger here for a different rant.

Well, there you go, my two upsets of the year. So get your wallets out and start placing your bets. If you're smart, you'll agree with my predictions and wager accordingly, but if you chose not to... you’re probably a bandwagon Patriots fan, or worse yet, actually born and raised in Boston!


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