Saturday, June 04, 2005

Ground Zero... "we will never forget". Posted by Hello

The Empire State Building in all it's glory! Posted by Hello

NYC post... done right!

Okay, now that I've got the hang of the whole "blogging" thing, let's take another look at last weekends New York trip, with appropriate verbage.

Day 0-1... I decide not to sleep on Wednesday night so that I can pass out for the entire flight to New York... did my plan get fucked! First, I end up sitting next to some foreign guy that wanted to chat it up the whole way there. Now anyone that knows me knows that I sure don't mind people that I know! So in a feeble attempt to tune the guy out, I put on my headphones and try to catch some ZZZ's. I'm just about to enter those lucious gates to dreamland when this incessant little bastard taps me on the shoulder and tells me that he has to pee. Needless to say, I wasn't amused. Repeat this procedure one or two more times over an approximately five hour period and you have my flight. We head to the Comedy Cellar in Soho for some low key entertainment. It's nice to hear that other guys in the world are occasionally as angry as me.


Day 2... The foursome splits up even before I can peel the crap out of my eyes. The two more, let's just say, 'hetero-ly' challenged guys embark on a day full of shopping and facials. I on the other hand am looking for some steak and eggs and a nice titty club. The latter of the two didn't quite mesh with the plans of my female traveler, thus, were benched. As I traveled the streets of Times Square I proceeded to capture the 'finer' of New York City's sights (over and over again). After managing to score some tickets to a Yankees vs. Red Sox game, we jumped on the subway to head towards the Bronx. The game was easily the best part of the entire trip as I got to see one of the greatest rivalries in all of sports! It didn't hurt that the Yankees handed those Boston bastards their asses either.

Day 3... The foursome was reunited for a final day of sightseeing throughout Manhattan. We checked out Ground Zero, Battery Park, Central Park, and more of Times Square. All along the way, I continued to capture New York's finest attractions. While catching a late lunch on the East Side, I saw some things that you just don't see everyday. The one that sticks out in my mind, other than the guy in a red unitard and cape and a black 'zorro' mask nearly J-walking, was a homeless guy that decided to get into a staring contest with me while tugging on his naughty place! I'm telling you, this guy was going to town, simply pulling on himself with such determination that his pant legs actually lifted up a good six to nine inches! Of course I gawked and took more pictures of the Manhattan penis puller as he continued to become more perturbed. We rounded out the evening at a place I could call home... ESPN Zone! We watched the Suns vs. Spurs game. Unfortunately the game did not yield the desired outcome, but there was some nice 'scenery' at the zone.

Day 4... After waking up with less than an hour for four people to shower, pack, and get the hell out of the hotel room, we hurried a bit...and still weren't out in time. The three smarter members of the crew pulled their luggage (via handlebars) down the streets of Manhattan with ease, while I lumbered an overpacked full size duffle bag over my shoulder for what seemed to be an eternity. We grabbed some lunch and took the LIRR back to Islip where we caught our flight home via a stop in Nashville. The guys took in a Tennessee beer at a Titans/Predators sports bar at the airport before embarking on the remaining nearly four hour flight home. One of our members took a nap on all three seats while the rest of us conveniently forgot to tell him to buckle up upon landing... he had a warm wakeup.